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Legal Research Paper Series Law Schools and the Open Access Movement: An Article Review of Aux Armes Citoyens By Elena Maria Coyle Stanford Law School, Class of 2010 Research Paper No. 22 May 2008 Robert Crown Law Library Crown Quadrangle Stanford, California 94305-8612
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to the writing of this paper. My sincere thanks also goes to the seventeen members of my graduate committee for their patience and understanding during the nine years of effort that went into the production of this paper. A special thanks also to Howard Anton [1], from whose book many of the examples used in this sample research paper have ... The Faculty Lounge: How to Write a Good Abstract for a Law ... When you write an abstract, you are marketing your own work--you act as your own PR agent. You've already done the work of writing your article, and now you must do the good work of presenting your research Lite-style to articles editors. Aside from your school's letterhead, it's the most influential aspect of your paper. PDF Legal Research, Legal Writing, and Legal Analysis: Putting ... sor and the Director of Legal Research and Writing at the University of Oregon School of Law. She is grateful to Harvey Rogers for his assistance in updating this Article, an earlier version of which appeared as Legal Research, Legal Writing, and Legal Analysis: Putting Law School into Practice, 29 Stetson L. Rev. 1193 (2000). The current ...
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Research Log Example (Using APA style) Research Paper Topic: Memory and Learning a Second Language 1. Source/Citation e.g. journal article Author last name, First name initial. (year published). Article title. Journal Name, vol#(issue # if not continuous pagination) page numbers. Robinson, P. (1995). Attention, memory, and the "noticing ... Legal Studies Research Paper Series - School of Law ... The Legal Studies Research Paper Series is hosted and distributed by the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) and provides an international, interdisciplinary audience for the faculty and visiting scholars.
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